Since 2010, Prison Yoga Project has delivered more than 30,000 books by request to prisoners across the US, free-of-charge. Our book is now distributed in Spanish in Mexico as well. Additionally, prisons and jails around the world use our videos to bring yoga to the people incarcerated in their facilities. Your purchase of a download helps us to continue to provide these practices in places where in-person facilitators are not yet available. Thank you!
"I'm writing this kite [ed. prison slang for a letter] to express my sincerest gratitude toward you guys for making yoga available on the institutional channel. I look forward to practicing on a regular basis. Yoga can be an invaluable tool for those of us trying to regain a sound mind and emotional state. Please continue to offer this regularly."
- Prisoner's note to staff at a Minnesota Correctional Facility that plays one of our DVDs on their institutional channel.